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Massage therapist

I have been a massage therapist since 2007 and have been treating clients mostly with Shiatsu and Chair massage. In my journey to learn massage I have qualified in Shiatsu, Chair massage, Sport and Remedial massage and Thai massage. Each different study has enriched me with knowledge and techniques that I have integrated to develop my personal style of chair massage.
I have always loved biology, science and the natural world. When studying massage, I felt that same fascination for anatomy, the functioning of the human body and the role that massage can play in keeping our body systems working efficiently.
The core of my massage lies in the belief that our body has a natural tendency to heal. Massage can enhance that ability when the stresses we face are making that natural process slower. I also believe that massage has a special role in helping the several connected systems in our body because of its ability to give both physical and emotional relief.
With my treatments I try to encourage the body to access blocked and dysfunctional areas and regain balance.
I am a member of CThA.

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Massage Therapist

I've been a massage therapist since 2007 and have studied Swedish, Sports and Indian Head massage. I've also got a qualification in On Site massage and have been working with the chair for nearly 15 years. I have worked at offices, events and festivals from Glastonbury to Womad.
Coming from a dance background, my technique is a blend of massage styles added with a touch of dance. For me the flow between client and therapist is akin to a partner dance and movement is designed to be flowing and smooth, which promotes relaxation and a sense of wellbeing.

During lockdown I picked up roller skating again after a very long time - it's a fun way to keep fit!

Even further back, I used to be a programmer so know all too well the aches and pains of sitting at a desk to do my work. All these things help inform my massage and give the best for my clients.

I am a member of CThA.

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